An Apostolic & Prophetic Ministry
Preparing a People of Worship & Dominion

ROLWIM began in 2001 by hosting intercessory prayers. Fully committed to the cause of the gospel, ROLWIM's principal focus is to see God's creation have full fellowship with God.

One preaching engagement turned into a relationship with an NYC church to plant a strong singles ministry. The singles group met bi-weekly and one woman was bold enough to share the reality of how she lived and her desire to align her life with God's plan for believers. That moment of transparency resulted in a domino of confessions. We had to do something.

A year and a half later, the members of the singles ministry had become accountable to one another without reality show cameras or SM ``likes.`` There were major breakthroughs and transformation including legal residency and citizenship statuses, completed GED's and enrollment in colleges, new jobs, promotions, entrepreneurial training, financial literacy, engagements, and marriages. Every resource we needed was among the singles ministry.

ROLWIM continues to partner with new pastors to establish churches and to train and ordain leadership in the United States and abroad. More so, our passion is to live the life God has given us while demonstrating God's love.

Client Success

Proactively envisioned multimedia based expertise and cross-media growth strategies.

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Seamlessly visualize quality intellectual capital without superior collaboration.

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Completely pursue scalable customer service through scalable proactive metrics.
K.D. Smith

LaFreda Hendley, Xposure Consulting/BeFree Management
Rivers of Living Water International Ministries

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Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail.
K.D. Smith

LaFreda Hendley, Xposure Consulting/BeFree Management

Rivers of Living Water International Ministries

Get in touchK.D. Smith Social links
Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail.

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Developed by: Meftahul Amin

©2019 K.D. Smith. All rights reserved
Developed by: Meftahul Amin